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1,398 result(s) for "Virtual work teams."
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The Power of Virtual Distance
This revised second edition presents 15 years of data on Virtual Distance metrics and their predictive impact on organizational success factors ¯shedding new light on how to correct for communication challenges that often show up as a foggy set of digital disconnects where the vitality of the virtual workforce often gets lost in transmission. This still-evolving Digital Age conundrum continues to present new complications. The rise of remote work which rests on an increasing reliance on electronic communication and the overall growth of virtual interactions has led to the escalation of a phenomenon called Virtual Distance. Virtual Distance, which influences our behavior through three components¯Physical Distance, Operational Distance, and Affinity Distance¯affects not only how we relate to others thousands of miles away but even to co-workers sitting right next to each other! Perhaps even more problematic, Virtual Distance causes measureable malfunctions in teamwork, innovation, leader effectiveness and overall performance. But it doesn't have to be this way. The Power of Virtual Distance offers specific, proven and predictable solutions that can reverse these trends and turn Virtual Distance into a unification strategy to capture untapped competitive advantage. Surprised? The Power of Virtual Distance, 2nd Edition is a must-read for leadership who want to understand the true and quantifiable costs of the virtual workplace. For the first time ever, readers can take the guesswork out of managing the virtual workforce by applying a mathematical approach derived from the extensive Virtual Distance data set: The Virtual Distance Ratio. The Virtual Distance Ratio can precisely pinpoint the particular impacts of Virtual Distance on the organization's critical success factors. Beyond business metrics, Virtual Distance solutions also detail ways to restore meaningfulness and well-being into people's experience of work, enhancing life lived in the Digital Age. The Power of Virtual Distance reveals an updated set of data, including the first award-winning analysis, collected from an extended range of executives to individual contributors, that represent situations and solutions in more than 36 industries in 55 countries across the globe. Readers will get a \"first look\" at the data and its revelations on how to be less isolated and more integrated. Helping managers globally, this book: * Offers new, real-world case studies and a chance for readers to participate in thought experiments to help with personal performance, group synergy and by extension, relationship dynamics of all kinds * Demonstrates (with statistically significant trend analyses) that Virtual Distance is growing at exponential rates in every corner of communities worldwide * Offers expert advice on how to manage the \"unintended human consequences\" of today's digital technologies Companies that successfully harness the power of Virtual Distance demonstrate better performance. The second edition of The Power of Virtual Distance is a valuable, one-of-a-kind resource for everyone – from the C-suite to human resource professionals; from divisional leaders to project managers. Everyone in the organization can benefit by discovering how to improve financials, innovation, trust, employee engagement, satisfaction, organizational citizenship and other key performance indicators. And perhaps best of all, by following the prescriptions on how to reduce Virtual Distance, the entire workforce will have the tools they need to bring about a revival of meaning, purpose and an enlivened sense of \"humanhood\" back into everyday work and everyday life.
Leadership through a screen
This book is meant to serve as a map to help modern managers weave their way through many of the fundamental challenges of leading people in a global and virtual realm. It provides the tools, knowledge, and potential solutions these leaders can use to forge successful and productive virtual teams.
Working Virtually
Remote working is the new reality, and transactional work – provided by freelancers, contract employees or consultants – has increased exponentially. It is forecast that as much as half the labor force will be working independently and virtually by 2020.Most organizations are still grappling with how to effectively manage their virtual staff and how to effectively support and motivate them – an increasingly urgent task as more Millennials join the workforce, bringing changed attitudes to work satisfaction. This book, the fruit of the author’s three decades of experience planning and implementing remote working environments, provides expert guidance for anyone planning a shift to remote working, managing teams of teleworkers, or themselves working in a virtual team.Working Virtually is for the executive leading changes in an enterprise that is preparing for virtual work or seeking to improve current performance. It offers tools to assess readiness, advice on creating appropriate reward policies, and strategies to adapt performance management processes to be more team-driven and technology leveraged. Working Virtually is written to and for the virtual leader who wants to establish high performing virtual teams. It provides an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of managing a virtual team, offering a wealth of advice on creating the conditions for collaboration, motivating team members, and identifying and defusing problems.Working Virtually is for the professional who works remotely from home, on the road, or in an office with remote colleagues. It is for anyone who wants to succeed in this new work environment by developing skills and networks to create a sustained and satisfying career path.With this new edition providing a 360° view of the roles and objectives of all stakeholders in the virtual workspace, this book uniquely provides readers with a rounded picture of the policies, processes, work habits, and commitments needed to achieve the shared goal of high performance remote teams.
Cutting edge communication comedy series. Thriving remotely
Thriving Remotely is an important video, especially since the COVID pandemic meant more of us are working from home. Remote teams can get things done efficiently and individuals can thrive working from their homes. Managers and staff have had to adapt to this new normal. Setting basic rules will ensure that people not only perform at their best when they are working remotely but they are engaged and thriving. In this Thriving Remotely video you will learn to manage and thrive remotely by being accountable, focusing on outcomes, staying connected and energized and communicating effectively Managers need to help their people succeed whether face to face or working virtually. It helps to set basic rules for remote work, monitoring productivity and harnessing energy levels. Stick to agreed work hours and milestones, and keep co-workers and managers informed about what you are doing. Have clear timeframes for completing work.
2:00 minutes to success. Lead productive online meetings
Lead Productive Online Meetings will appeal to the increasing number of people working from home or in scattered locations. New technologies have made online meetings more feasible, but they require fresh approaches. In this video, psychology expert Peter Quarry provides helpful tips about making virtual meetings more productive. Lead Productive Online Meetings is a video providing skills to make online meetings productive and engaging by following simple strategies for ensuring good meeting etiquette and agendas, maximum contribution and engagement without interruptions, and keeping discussions short.
3 benefits of working remotely
The standard face-to-face team is inefficient for employees and employers alike.